
Our Promise at Ichthus Schools

Ichthus Schools prepares students to strive for excellence in a global society and to glorify God through their daily walk.

"For whoever comes to have a Transformed life"

Our Mission

“We believe that all students grow and develop in their individual ways and that as educators it is our privilege to impart knowledge, biblical values and ability to discern right from wrong in leadership, in action and in communication. In addition as educators, it is our duty to prepare students to live a Christian life in a global society.”

Hear What Our Parents Say On that Promise….

Our Alumni & Students . . .


GOLD MEDAL WINNER Pesparawi Choir Nationals @ Yogyakarta (June 2022)
Watch the full performance of Ichthus Choir Team representing DKI Jakarta at PESPARAWI NASIONAL XIII 2022 in Yogyakarta last weekend! 🎉🎉 Congratulations to Team Ichthus and DKI Jakarta contingent.  Thank you to all the teachers for your dedication and hard work and parents for your relentless support and encouragement for your children. They will cherish the experience and memories for life.  Ichthusians, you were awesome! We are all very proud of you. Keep striving for excellence - there are no short cuts to hard work, persistence and keep the good faith in the Lord.  "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." - Romans 8:28
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"No Harm in Trying..." The phrase that spurred 2 time scholarship recipient Audrey to go the extra mile
During the interview with Audrey, she mentioned this phrase a few times, "No harm in trying...." The only Reach Cambridge Summer Program recipient from Indonesia that year to obtain a fully paid scholarship to pursue the course, Audrey was initially hesitant to apply  when Ichthus shared the program with the students.  She had to save up for university.  Ms Martha, kepala sekolah, encouraged her and said "No harm in trying for the scholarship, what is there to lose?". That advise resonated with Audrey. With strong recommendation letters from the school and rounds of screening and interviews  later, Audrey obtained a full scholarship and had an unforgettable experience in Cambridge that summer.  Deja Vu all over, Mr Andy, English teacher knowing what Audrey is capable of despite her preference for the sciences, said to her,  "Take up English Literature Audrey, no harm in trying, you will be surprised",  A year later, Audrey was pleasantly surprised to receive the Cambridge Excellence Award for English Literature scoring the highest marks for the subject in Indonesia.  ​Audrey went on to receive  a full scholarship for her undergraduate studies in  Engineering in University of Hong Kong. 
Transformational Stories
Emari spoke very little English when she first joined Ichthus. She was very quiet and reserved. With help from her teachers and many extra classes later, today, she is a picture of confidence and loves to have long chats with anyone. Hard working, humble and extremely driven, Emari took up the leadership post in the student council and was the sports representative for the students. She was in the Barracuda soccer girls team and they won the inter-school soccer competitions 2 years in a row. Emari received admissions to several top Japanese universities including Waseda , Keio and several others in Japan. She will return to study in Japan after more than 9 years in Ichthus and we will miss her cheerful and chatty presence! 
Cambridge Summer Program Scholarship Recipient Gabrielle Grace Setiadi (Gr 10)
Among thousands of entries, the judges were impressed and selected her essay on medicine to offer her a scholarship to participate in the Cambridge University Summer Program 2021. A student of many talents, Gabrielle has received many international awards for her modern ballet dance routines but close to her heart, she is deeply passionate in helping others through healing and strives towards her ambition to become a doctor to help her community. 
Champion, Pacific Youth Parliament Debate Competition Peter Lesmana G12
Peter moved to Ichthus for his secondary schooling. According to him, the move was one of the best decisions he has ever made. On his first attempt and experience in participating in debate competitions, Peter went on to take the top prize at the Pacific Youth Parliament. He never ever once tried debating in his previous school. The win in the debate competition eventually went to fueling his passion and interest in law.  Today, Peter is reading law at University Gadjah Madah.  We are indeed proud of your transformation.
Photo Prasmul
3rd Place, Business-Economics Case Study Competition, University of Prasetya Mulya Rafael, Samuel and Veron, G11
With a history and strong culture in debating, every year our students are encouraged to try out debating. Each year, new batches of students explore and discover their passion for debating. Without fail, Ichthus debaters will bring home debating trophies with different cohorts of students going to University of Yale, Connecticut, USA to participate in the World's Scholars Cup finals.
Debating Excellence
With a history and strong culture in debating, every year our students are encouraged to try out debating. Each year, new batches of students explore and discover their passion for debating. Without fail, Ichthus debaters will bring home debating trophies with different cohorts of students going to University of Yale, Connecticut, USA to participate in the World's Scholars Cup finals.
DKI Jakarta Champions Again!  Congratulations Ichthus Choir
Choir champions of DKI Jakarta again! 3 times winners in a row - an impressive feat indeed. Ichthus Choir will again represent DKI Jakarta at the Christian Choir Competition nationals in Yogjakarta in June 2021. As the winning choir of DKI Jakarta, Ichthus choir has sung at the nationals in Pontianak and Ambon in the 2 previous competitions.  They have performed in front of important delegates including the current and previous governors of Jakarta. When asked what it takes to be champions, without hesitating, talented little Holly, Grade 4, who is an avid singer, musician and choir member said, " Train hard. No short cuts. We practiced daily even during term break. Team work is key, how we blend and harmonize our voices. It's really hard work but  I don't mind and actually look forward to it cause I am having a lot of fun."

Let Us Walk You Through

Ichthus Schools was established in 2001, 20 years ago (during this writing), when the founding director, Mrs See Mun Suparno was inspired to…… more

In a safe and environment conducive for the growth of students, we help your children discover and nurture their God-given talents, through strong academics anchored on Biblical foundations….read more

Ichthus has 2 campuses in the West and South of Jakarta and they are located in well established suburbs, a stone throw away from many amenities and major road access….read more

Students can engage in many clubs and activities that further enhance their learning journey at school, from student council leadership activities, mission services to help the less fortunate, external competitions and co-curriculars….read more

Unique to Ichthus, university preparation is a compulsory subject from Grade 10 to 12 with scheduled class sessions, providing a systematic approach towards knowing one self’s interest better to conducting research on majors or undergraduate courses to study,….read more

Ichthus Schools provides scholarships for study in the secondary school based academic and extra curricular achievements. ….read more

Choosing the right school can be a perplexing decision. We believe Ichthus is a great school and whether your child end up joining us or not, we will be happy to provide any form of assistance and have a chat with you….read more

Ichthus Schools started from an inspiration received from the founder in her prayers, a promise to prepare students to glorify God in their daily walk and embrace excellence in a global society. More than 20 years ago, the earnest prayer to look for the right school for her child, our founding director, Mrs SeeMun Suparno, a loving mother, a passionate educator received an inspiration ….read more

Non-Discriminatory Policy

Ichthus School Jakarta welcomes students from any nationality, race or religion. We believe that a diverse student body provides a valuable platform for greater understanding and appreciation of differences. Ichthus School does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, gender or color. All students are treated equal and are given the same rights and access to the programs and activities offered to students at the school.