jakarta international school

Jakarta International School 2024 | Ichthus School

Every parent who wants to send their children to school, surely will choose the best school for the child. In fact, there are some of the parents who consider international schools. Why does it have to be an international school? This is because parents believe that international schools are the best schools and excel when compared with other schools. Not only that, when parents put their children into international schools, it is because parents hope that their children can compete in the global world easily when they grow up. For that below, there are several advantages of the international school itself. The following is an explanation for you.

Ichthus Jakarta International School 

Curriculum differences

If local schools refer to the national curriculum, international schools choose the use of an international curriculum in the teaching process, such as IB (International Baccalaureate), Cambridge, and others. Based on the international curriculum, all teaching material will be delivered in English. Because of that, many parents think that the international curriculum will make children smarter than if they learn to use the national curriculum.

More Interactive Learning

In this school, you are given a wide space to talk to express the contents of the mind. The teacher not only explains in front of the class alone, but also interacts both ways with students.

There is no IPA-IPS

National schools in Indonesia are familiar with what are called majors in Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. However, this does not apply to international schools. The average curriculum used by international schools is International Baccalaureate (IB) and Cambridge.

Proficient in English

As the name implies, international schools have teaching and learning processes that are required to use English. Thus, it is not surprising that children who go to international schools will become more proficient in English.

Learning different languages

Not only master in English, going to an international school will give you opportunities to learn other languages. Once you have learned a second or third language, you will be trained to fully engage in other cultures as well as break any language barriers. More so, this is not just all about the skills you can get from speaking different languages but also about the skill in communicating effectively with other nationalities.

Chance of Expression

Some curriculum used by international schools provides freedom for children to choose the learning activities they want. That way the child will be able to learn according to their respective abilities. International schools basically tend to give freedom to children when compared to ordinary schools. So, the child will have more chance of expression.

More career opportunities

Currently, there are many businesses operating on a global scale. Therefore, many companies are more looking for and choosing individuals who have experience working with different cultures and are exposed to various languages. And students who attend international schools are more likely to meet this qualification. With this, there are more career opportunities waiting for you who go to international school after graduation.

Exposure to new cultures

International schools use an internationally recognized curriculum. Therefore, people who study in international schools understand how to deal with different types of people from different races and countries. The cultural training experienced by these students directly can be a big advantage for them in terms of diversity and appreciation of people.

More individualized attention

Smaller class sizes combined with excellent educators allow your child to have a type of individual attention that cannot be found in public schools. Children are not just numbers. Every child is a valuable human being with gifts and unique talents that will be carefully nurtured in the classroom environment.

Needs of Children Accommodated

Most international schools are able to accommodate the needs of each child. Some curriculum even gives children the freedom to choose their own learning activities so that children can learn according to their abilities. International schools tend to give more freedom to children than ordinary schools so that children have more opportunities for expression.

Education is one of the top things that parents can give to their children, so investing in good education is truly important. For a brighter future for your children, it would not hurt for you to consider bringing them to an international school in Jakarta and see the benefits for yourself. For those of you who want to go to Jakarta international school or send your child to an international school in Jakarta, then you can consider Ichthus School.

Ichthus School

As one of Jakarta International Schools, Ichthus School is a leading Christian educational institution that provides a comprehensive education that includes a comprehensive curriculum and social, character, and spiritual development. Ichthus School prepares students academically for IGSCE certification. Hence, Ichthus School is widely considered one among the leading international schools in Jakarta and trusted in providing quality education and preparing students towards high standards of ethical and spiritual values ​​as a basis for greater things in their lives. Moreover, Ichthus School has obtained international accreditation from WASC and ACSI, which reflects its commitment to a high-quality and comprehensive education for their students. In addition, Ichthus School also has other advantages that make it suitable for your child’s education system. Some of these advantages are

  • Has a Quiet and Safe Academic Environment

Children spend most of their time in school. Ichthus School is aware of this and takes seriously the beliefs of parents, and does everything in its power to ensure that the school environment is calm and safe for students.

  • Ichthus School Supports Children Become Themselves

A school is a place for students to learn and develop. For this reason, teachers and trainers will try to expand their comfort zones. Even when failure lurks, we provide a safe place for them try again, understanding that failure creates new learning opportunities. We create a safe place for students to be themselves; all growing up in the Ichthus School environment. The uniqueness, creativity, enthusiasm, and passion of students are embraced.

  • Have a Strong Student-Teacher Relationship

Ichthus School has a strong relationship between teachers and students. Moreover, Ichthus School also has a good relationship developed by students with each other. This is because the class sizes at Ichthus School are small, allowing teachers and students to get to know each other as individuals. Students also look after each other and care for one another.

Ichthus School, a Jakarta international school, is the perfect choice for parents looking to provide their children with a world-class education in a multicultural environment. Our experienced and qualified staff, along with state-of-the-art facilities, make Ichthus School a hub of innovative and supportive learning for students from diverse cultural backgrounds.

At Ichthus School, your children will experience a holistic education that not only focuses on academics, but also nurtures their social and emotional development. Our structured and challenging academic program, which incorporates project-based learning and hands-on experiences, is designed to prepare students for success in today’s globalized world.

We also offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports clubs, art clubs, and language clubs. This allows students to explore their interests outside the classroom and develop broader skill sets.

We believe that Ichthus School provides a loving and supportive learning environment that prepares students to face the challenges of the global world. Join us at Ichthus School and let’s work together to pursue a successful future for your children.

That’s the other advantage that makes Ichthus School suitable for your child’s education system. For those of you who are interested in sending your child to school at Ichthus School and need further information, you can get it through the Ichthus School website at www.ichtusschool.com.

Various Aspects of Ichthus School

Various Aspects of Ichthus School

1. Open House

Ichthus School organizes Open House events at the South Campus for parents and students who want to experience the school’s learning environment firsthand. These events provide an opportunity to interact with teachers, get acquainted with school facilities, and gain a deeper understanding of the curriculum offered.

2. New Student Admission Process

The student admission process at Ichthus School is designed to assist parents in choosing the right school for their children. Detailed information about the registration steps, requirements, and guidance for parents is provided to ensure a smooth and transparent process.

3. Face-to-Face Learning

Ichthus School has two campuses located in West and South Jakarta. Both campuses are situated in strategic locations and are surrounded by supporting facilities such as shopping centers and hospitals. Face-to-face learning at Ichthus School emphasizes two-way interaction between teachers and students to create a more dynamic and effective learning experience.

4. Ichthus Student Achievements

Students at Ichthus School have achieved various accomplishments in academics, arts, and sports. This demonstrates the quality of education provided by the school and the dedication of the students in pursuing excellence.

More Info

FAQ About Ichthus School

Who are we?

Ichthus Schools was established in 2001. 20 years ago (during this writing), when the founding director, Mrs SeeMun Suparno prayed earnestly in search of a school for her son, she was inspired by a vision to start a school, with the objective to teach students the way of the the Lord. The founding partners envisioned a school unlike others with the vision to transform the lives of every single student, to become the best version of who they can be, to find their God given talent and to use it to serve others. And thus the vision,

What is the education program like in Ichthus?

In a safe and conducive environment for students’ growth, we help your children discover and nurture their God-given talents, through strong academics anchored on Biblical foundations. Our teachers, strong in their faith, qualified and passionate, will willingly go the extra mile for our students. 


Where is Ichthus located?
1.) West Campus

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